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Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Real Living: Summer & Nautical Inspirations

All tears from Real Living | Cover | Hardware shot by Chris Warnes and styled by Erin Michael | Suntrap, bedroom, table by pool all, blue doors shot by Chris Warnes and styled by Sarah Ellison | New Nautical shot by Tory Amos and styled by Erin Michael | Out door showers shot by Chris Warnes
OK, so don't get me wrong, I love living in a country with seasons and the recent crisp, clear days here in London have been a delight. However, when I saw the February edition of Real Living I was swiftly dreaming of long, hazy summer days. So today I thought we could swap hemispheres with our Australian pals and jump into some summertime and nautical inspiration. As I flicked through the pages I closed my eyes imagined the warmth of the sun's rays against my back and the anticipation of diving into a glistening, still-as-a-millpond swimming pool. I've always thought of outdoor showers as wonderfully indulgent and these examples don't dent that dream! The renovated 1950's beach cottage that graced the cover was an airy and modern home, perfect for summer days and nights but the real treat for me was the blue doors seen above - so fun! What's catching your eye?


  1. To live in a charming cottage by the beach is definitely a dream of mine - this is just gorgeous and I love the outdoor shower!

  2. The whole magazine! I live in Australia and bought that mag a while ago. I love every page of it. Even when living here I'm dreaming of a beach house or even having a cold drink by a pool.

    Sending you some sunshine from hot Melbourne (+35 today).

    Cheers :)

  3. I'm enchanted by that blue door - perfect for a beach house.... and how neat is that rustic white-washed sofa?

  4. I have fallen in love with this mag since finding my first one when I moved to Dubai. Love the blue door on the crisp white building. I hope I can retire with a beach house someday :)

  5. WOW, these pics make me want to jump in a plane to australia. all those bright colours, just gorgeous! but i agree with you Will, i love all the seasons northern germany has to offer as well. i'd just wish summers would look more like those 'real living' photos. ;-) have a great day.

  6. This is a little beside the point I guess but I love the red and white striped Soludos I spotted and the navy polka dot bikini the girl is sporting! Plus the scenery ain't bad :)

  7. That outdoor shower hidden behind the rock is amazing! Beam us up to the summer Will! xo

  8. Oh I wish I was there right now! As much as I love the cold frosty mornings we've been having I would love to feel real sun again!x

  9. I just read nautical and knew this one's for me:-) Love!!!!!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous :) I love anything and everything nautical!

  11. This could be my dream house! Utterly amazing! xx

  12. Well, we are having a major heat wave here in Cape Town so I could do with a swop for your weather! As soon as you step out of the house, it feels like you're walking into an oven! And now that the holiday is over, I can't exactly escape to the beach!

    Thanks for all your comments Will, hope 2012 is going to be a winner for you x

  13. Too cool! That blue door makes it all more welcoming and so vibrant. Great post!

    something 2 write about

  14. Beautiful, I'm rushing out to buy me a copy of Real Living. xxx

  15. Argh! I can't even think about summer yet, it is so cold out there.
    I will have to come back to this post when the ground thaws a bit more.

  16. This is making me yearn for the splashes of yellow! xo

  17. I love the pops of colour - I NEED to buy this magazine tomorrow, especially as London is due grey raininess
    : )

  18. oh well who wouldn't want to live like this, stunning! Love the little shed next to the pool

  19. I love that blue door and those colorful beach towels!


  20. that is one happy post, what a beautiful cottage! I love the bag with the stripes hanging on the yellow chair and the bicycle.

    The weather in Antwerp is so dull and grey right now so I'm longing for spring/summer. I just want to feel the sun on my face.

  21. Beautiful beach cottage! So nice to look at when we've had grey, snowy weather - but June is coming!


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