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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Sainsbury's S/S 2012 Home Interior Trends

Sainsbury's styled by Sally Cullen and photographed by Paul Raeside
On a chilly day last autumn I headed to Sainsbury's press preview of their spring/summer collection for 2012, where the brand had styled room sets with each of their forecasted trends for the forthcoming 2012 season. Whilst I was there I shared I spoke with some folks from Sainsbury's, sharing my thoughts on their proposition in the marketplace and revealed my top product pick - so expect Mr. Bazaar to pop up once or twice in the film above! I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw and have decided to share the two trends, Caravan and Coastal, which spoke most strongly to me. Caravan has a colourful and bohemian feel to it thanks to the mix of pattern, texture and folk inspired detailing. The eclectic colour palette details a range of bright hues that break up the floral prints and delicate glassware. Now, although the second theme, Coastal, isn't an original trend for the s/s season and is often done so very badly, I think this take on it has been done rather well. It captured my imagination for seaside escapes, light and airy spaces and addiction to all things Nautical - not to mention my love for navy blue! Standout product for me? It has to be the anchor cushion - a steal at under £10. After all, there's nothing like popping out for milk only to return with milk and an anchor cushion, right?! Which trend is for you? What's catching your eye?


  1. Wow, love that Sainsbury's are doing this because you know it will be a super good price point so it is easy to update your look. Loving the anchor pillow!

  2. I love both of these, but the Caravan's colors are so fantastic! I love it!

  3. Morning movie star Will looking ab fab on film x
    Caravan love all the way for me fun and colourful brightened my winter morning.
    Happy Thursday
    Carla x

  4. i love that day bed it's adorable.

  5. Wow, the colours in that first Caravan photo are breathtaking - my current favs, magenta and rich yellow together! Gorgeous. xxx

  6. Really love the colours in the caravan range!

  7. Hi! So LOVELY colours!!Greetings Riitta Sinikka

  8. How cool Will! I'm liking the Caravan colours :)

    Abbey x

  9. I prefert the CARAVAN feminime !

  10. Do I need to say out loud which of these two trends is my favorite?? LOL. Obviously, the coastal trend:-)

  11. I love the caravan style, needing the colour after these grey days! But the costal collection is really well designed too. Not too over designed, simple, subtle washed out colours and stripes...I do love a nice stripe!x

  12. Woah!! Im so so glad I found this blog! I was surprised when i saw that the blogger was a male! hihihih You have such a good taste,i scrolled down and up and found gorgeous stuff :)

  13. woah love these brights colours! getting tons of ideas for my new bedroom! Awww Thanks Mr Bazaar :))

  14. This is all so pretty. Love Caravan so much. Thanks for the happy pop of colour!

  15. no doubt for me... caravan trend! but without pink, if possible! hehe!

  16. Thanks for sharing. Absolutely the Caravan, those colours are amazing and the coloured glass is my favourite. It's about time Sainsbury made their mark in homewares. It will be interesting to see how it's laid out in-store, perhaps a cross between the current set up in their stores (traditional grocery set up) and a Next type layout, where customers get a more visual feel for how the various items can look put together in their home.

  17. Coastal, always :) Although I'm loving the bright cushions of Caravan. Sainsburys have really impressed me with these collections...

  18. Okay, I'd never go for coastal in my living room or anything like that but I have to say that the laundry room is simply adorable. If I had a laundry room I could easily see myself going coastal in there ;-)

  19. Aw Will you are so good in front of the camera! I think you should start your own design show!.. and I like the Caravan range a lot, in small doses :)

  20. the first thing i thought of when seeing caravan was the dottie angel blog
    it looks heavily influenced by her unique creativity

  21. Love the top Pretty in Pink splashes of color and flowers ~ so ready for Spring already :) !!

  22. Do you know what this actually made me quite excited and I even showed John and he watched the video too! Such lovely styling and there are some great products, with you on the anchor cushion and I like the coloured glasswear - I'm going to get some for the kitchen! Fab to see you pop on the video too! ;-)
    Rachie xo

  23. I love the coastal style - whilst I wouldn't go for coastal in my home, I do love the gorgeous laundry room with those housekeeping storage boxes and the stripes! xx

  24. Lovely selection, lovely post, Will
    Virginia Costa

  25. Oooo. I'm a designer and it is surprisingly difficult to think of new fresh pallets. thank you!

  26. I love the colour pops of pink and yellow! So fresh :)

  27. The purple and yellow got me all fresh! Lovely lovely!

  28. The pretty colors in the first trend is calling my name. It's feminine and fresh at the same time.

    Inspiring images as usual, Will!


  29. its hard to believe that this collection is from a supermarket,they have certainly raised the bar in the last few years. Love the coastal look.

  30. Trend 1 Caravan is my fave...the bright colors amidst a white background is both soothing & cheerful!

  31. Congrats! Love that you were in the interview! I think you should do that more! :)

  32. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the collections, and I'm sooo excited about them arriving in stores soon :)

  33. Loved everything!
    Virginia Costa from Brazil

  34. Awesome interior designing collections! I really like the living room.


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