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Thursday, 28 July 2011

Anthropologie's Dining Delights

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Anthropologie are inspiring my little polka dot socks off today with their new dining collection. A delightful mix of simple red, white and blue dinnerware, vibrant table linens and traditional glassware, the collection offers a range of basics and investment pieces for a variety of tastes and price points. If you're looking for recipe inspiration as well as tabletop then be sure to check out this interview with chef Alice Hart where she shares an exclusive summer recipe. Which of these dining delights would you choose?


  1. Wow, such a beautiful collection!
    I have to go check out their new plates.

  2. I'm loving the plate in the first box. That is a piece that can be combined with many combinations and always look like a winner. Anthropologie always has great finds for the kitchen, including their linends.

  3. Love the tablerunner Will. Anthropologie is getting ready to open right up the street from me I am so excited!

    Art by Karena

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  4. I think I secretly dream of having a kitchen full of perfectly mismatching plates like this. I love the hand painted quality and the colors are so pretty.

  5. The placements!
    Colourful stripes make me giddy :)

  6. Delightful, indeed! I'm loving those glasses and the placemats for sure. I think I need them...

    x, Cassie

  7. Good finds! I love Antropologie's home goods. They always keep my kitchen looking bright and whimsical, and since very little actual cooking goes on in there, at least it looks good!

  8. number 4 for me with a load of fruit and ice cream

  9. That bowl with the stripes and flowers is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l! The jug too and the glasses. And those plates, oh boy, I'm sold.

  10. I think I love the placemats the most - lots of colour and a bit of fun! Jane @ the girl in the brick house

  11. These are all so wonderful! perfect to mix and match

  12. Gorgeous collection! The striped jug and bowl are so lovely! xo

  13. I have always loved their dishes, so imaginative and beautiful to use!

  14. Just visited NYC and went straight to my favorite store anthrpologie. Purchased a gorgeous set of floral ceramic measuring cups, divine. Wrapped them up and bought
    Them all the way home to Sydney! Love love

  15. I have 8 of the lait milk glasses. I used to work for Anthropologie and stoked up on so much home products before I had to leave. These are great serving glasses. Perfect for chocolate milk!

  16. I was in there on Monday and the home collection is just so fab! I could buy it all - have to be restrained though! xo

  17. LOVE these!!! Anthropologie always gets it right!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

    xoxo, Maryam

  18. It is highly dangerous for me to go into the housewares dept of any Anthro store. I end up wandering aimlessly filling my basket with every pretty thing I see and then having a meltdown at the register when I realize I'm about to spend a rent check's worth of goods. So much loveliness!


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