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Monday 1 November 2010

10 Things I Learned This Weekend

1. The sky was a divine shade of blue on Saturday.
2. Romantic Style inspired me in ways I didn't think it would. My full review is coming later this week!
3. Walking through the Victorian arcades as the sunrose was a moment of pure serenity this weekend.
4. A blog illustrating comparisons of my two favourite cities? Undeniably cool.
5. Fun colours and patterns on my new body warmer.
6. This little cushion stole my heart.
7. Donna Hay has a beautiful website.
8. I like the clean lines of the Days Forum sofa.
9. This looks like a super duper happy street!
10. Pinterest is highly addictive.


  1. will, i have a few questions:

    1. what is a body warmer? like a sleeping bag?

    2. why were you up at sunrise? or had you not slept yet?

    i love the paris/nyc site. thanks for the link. it it was london public transport, we'd have to put devil horns up for the strike this tuesday. :(

  2. Hi Lauren!

    Well, sunsrise was due to a serious forgetting of the clocks going back on Sunday. Whoops! As for the body warmer, I guess it's kinda like a topped and tailled sleeping bag, yes! Haha. x

    Cheers, Rachel, I agree: Paris vs. NYC is so simple but so clever! x

  3. Romantic style by Selina Lake has been on my wish list for way too long time! Can't wait for your review! And how pretty are the calendar pillows? Gorgeous post!

  4. Oh, those rubber boots with the florals in it really caught my eye and amuse me. Lovely idea!
    Ps. If you like pops of color(especially red and yellow) come visit my latest houe tour. Lots and lots of pops!

  5. wow, the rubber boots with the flowers are cool!

  6. My two favorite cities are NYC and London...and your little glimpse here of the arcades is making me miss the latter! Lovely!

  7. 'Romantic Style' is on my Amazon wish list. Looking forward to reading your review!

  8. Have to say love it all this weekend!

  9. How gorgeous is that kensington street !! I want to live there! And Omg I am in love with Donna Hay's website - am loving the christmas styling ideas!

    Great post as ever!

    Rachie xo

  10. A boat load of great links... And YES! Pinterest is so very addicting!!

  11. I love that picture of that mews in London. Every time I go there, I am always in awe of them and want to live there!

  12. well i always learn a lot with you! :)
    And that mews street?!!? my dream!! no, REALLY!

  13. all so fabulous!I've been to ur blog several times & get so inspired! You are amazing!

  14. Sounds like a great weekend. So inspiring.

  15. Always love these posts Will!

  16. Livingetc...has a great December spread. I guess I'm not as savvy as I thought I was...because even though I've seen this mag in book stores (i think) it is not part of my monthly collection. I'll have to add it on.

  17. Thanks for stopping by folks! Wishing you all a wonderful week!

  18. I love Pinterest as well! Following you on there! :-)

  19. You have such an interesting blog! Thanks! Love the colors and ideas.


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