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Monday 16 August 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

1. The faithful family barbie cooked up a feast for fifty plus revellers!
2. A Sunday afternoon stroll through a traditional village in the heart of the British countryside really made me appreciate the wonderful country I live in.
3. No 30th birthday party is complete without over sized, poppy pink balloons.
4. Friday night was pizza night - capers, semi-dried tomatoes, goats cheese and oregano. I fed my tummy some happy.
5. Any lane called 'The Cathedral Green' gets my vote. Totally charming.

6. IKEA's new collection features these sexy grey covers for their Karlstad range. It was love at first sight.
7. People might look at you funny if you take pictures of magazines in the grocery store. What can I say? If I see decor mag goodness, then it needs to be shared with you guys!
8. I was delighted to find out that I have won the Paper Anniversary giveaway on Keely's Luxe and Lillies blog. The phrase I suggested for a new line of cards - "Cocktails, soon?" - is even going to be made...exciting!
9. Jules' round up of the recent Las Vegas Market featured these yellow vases. Could they be any more perfect for me?! Love them.
10. I love that feeling of walking through your own front door after a weekend away. That said, it doesn't mean we didn't spend the four-hour car journey planning our next trip to NYC!


  1. Hey Will, I always love reading your '10 things' posts, it makes my Monday a little more cheery! Now I have seen the grey Ikea sofa cover I think I need to check out that new collection.

    Kate x

  2. A really cool we to appreciate your weekend....I love your 10 things, it always a great glimpse. Cheers

  3. Will, when I read this I wonder to myself, have I learned 10 things over the weekend? #9 is my favorite

  4. Will, what wondeful weekends you have! Especially agree with you on #2 and # 5. I really appreciate both my home and adoptive countries for Sunday afternoon walks!

  5. I like the part about planning your next trip to NYC - yes please! We want you stateside so we can meet!


    So happy to hear you had fun in the country!

  6. I love the yellow vases !! Glad you had a fabulous weekend!!

  7. You always have the most fabulous weekends! I hope to make it over the pond next year to see that fabulous countryside!

  8. Gorgeous photos! And there is definitely a great feeling about returning home after being away--and collapsing on your own bed!

  9. The ikea couch looks great! I may be schlepping one of those babies home with me from IKEA once I get there. :)

    And you're right... you not officially celebrating a birthday unless obnxious huge colored balloon are present. It's a rule. :)

  10. You do have some great weekends! sounds like a fab party and soaking in the gorgeous British countryside is my idea of a perfect day! of course the pizza sounds pretty perfect too :)

  11. Are those balloons really THAT big?? wow. Well, I guess it's 30, go big or go home!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend, happy monday to you!

  12. Yum to no 4! We just moved into an old house that needs a complete kitchen reno - so the oven doesn't work & we've been grilling a lot. I do believe I'll try to grill that pizza - like tonight. Thanks for the idea! xo

  13. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend love! Im so happy your so excited about the giveaway, great suggestion btw, I can't wait to see what Sommer comes up with, she is so creative! That pizza is totally on my short list... i need to make that like, tonight! And totally agreed on the english countryside (on of my favorite places in the world, the bf's family has a home is Leatherhead, Surrey) and great new offerings at Ikea... I am also loving their new "Kivik" lines, so modern!

  14. Well evidently, I've been living under a rock, as I just discovered your splendid blog today and have clearly been missing out on all sorts of fabulous. Awesome space, can't wait to visit again soon!

  15. Once again, Will, your "10" lists rock! And yes, be appreciative of Britain (Point 2); Britain is fab.
    And so it's off to NYC, is it? We're planning a trip for 2011 ourselves; great minds apparently think alike.
    PS: Thanx for your comment the other day; "sehr süss", as we say in German.

  16. Poppy pink balloons? Yeah! Who's 30th???

    And loving those grey covers too!

  17. Just stumbled across your blog - thank you, such a good one. Love it.

  18. Oh. I love that gray fabric; it makes me think of a nice suit. Kudos on your paper lovin.

  19. #3 Ouch! Not looking forward to the BIG 3-0.

    Good top ten.

  20. I love these posts ! Love the yellow vases and the pink balloons. Had a giggle at the thought of people looking strangely at you for taking pics of mags :) Have a great week x

  21. Wow you have the best weekends! I love the yellow vases and the pink 30 balloons!


  22. I love those yellow vases, like love love!I spotted that grey ikea sofa on their website today, quite nice hey!

  23. ooh! love this round up and i'm happy i made the cut! those yellow vases were something else in person, let me tell you! yum :)

  24. The yellow vases are totally my fave!!!!!

  25. I can't believe you won the giveaway!! I am buying the 'cocktails, soon?' one! When I saw your entry, it was just perfect.

    Don't you love NYC? It's my favorite city. I'd love to swap our favorite spots and try some new things!!

  26. Once again, thanks for the starting my week off with a smile guys!

    Crystal - you bet!

    Micheal - anytime, your blog is a pleasure to read.

    Dale, Christine Thomas & Jan - It wasn't my 30th; it was a family member!

    Keely - I'm still so excited about winning it - thank you again.

    Beth - yes, let's swap cool things to see and do soon; I'd like that.

  27. Hey...I want to be in nyc next year too!!!
    please....take me with You!


  28. Always look forward to your weekend wrap up!

  29. Love the idea for that card! Cocktails, soon?!! (next week! ;) )
    I might be seeing Keely when I head to MN in a month!

    xo - jami
    i m a g i n e

  30. excited to have Paper Anniversary in your weekend wrap it. Congratulations on the giveaway! I can't wait to share your "cocktails, soon?" design :)


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