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Tuesday 22 June 2010

{Debi Treloar Photography}

Admiring the talent of other creative souls is one of my main inspirations; I can't fail to be inspired by the great work of a stylist, photographer, artist or designer. Heck, even good cinematography gets my creativity all a flow. Sometimes this can be overwhelming because I feel awash with inspiring ideas and thoughts, but nine times out of ten, it's a good thing. This past weekend I went to check out Debi Treloar's portfolio after being impressed with her photography work in Bazaar Style by Selina Lake. I loved what I saw, especially some of the bright bursts of summary hues and warming, Moroccan-flavoured locations. Yum. Please have a peek at her portfolio; there's photography of food, interiors, lifestyle and can easily loose an hour or two over there. Of course, my total fave is the vignette (2) of pop vases and sky blue wall (I'd love this in my hallway). Which one of these is your fave?

Images: Debi Treloar


  1. Oh yes, the sky blue wall and colourful vases are brilliant! Nice work.

  2. I really love the photo of the inspiration board. Such happy and bight colors.

  3. Massive fan of Debi's (and Selina Lake's styling)
    I love all the pics, can't choose a fave! X

  4. Yes indeedy. Just got back from her website and loved it. Great aesthetic.


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