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Monday 7 June 2010

{10 things I Learned This Weekend...}

1 via here; 2

1 - 10. Moving into a new apartment is stressful, but loads of fun, too!
I'm busy unpacking this morning but I'll be back later with a fun and colourful review from another of the July issues. Hope you all had a great weekend. Will xo

P.S. Think of me...I'm surrounded by boxes, bubble wrap and not quite sure where to begin...

P.P.S. Who else is too excited for words about the forthcoming issue of Lonny? I simply can't wait!


  1. h you poor thing! i can't think of anything worse than moving. good luck with it, hope it flies along! julesx

  2. I feel your pain! Glad to hear your optimism coming thru - looking forward to pictures!

  3. Exciting, Will! Good luck in your new place!

  4. Haha.
    Good one.
    But just think about decorating a new place! EEE!

  5. Congrats on your new place...and I am sooooo excited for the new Lonny issue. I got an email from them last week reminding me about the new issue and my heart skipped a beat! Ha ha.

  6. Good luck unpacking! I moved 3 weeks ago and still there are boxes... I blame our decorator, who didn't visit for two weeks then came in on the weekend and had the nerve to say, "What a mess... well, it's your house". Well Mr Decorator, the reason it's a mess is because someone didn't paint our closets yet! Slightly hard to shove all your mess behind closed doors when your closets are out of action... Anyway I hope it goes more smoothly for you =)

  7. Good luck unpacking! I just moved two weeks ago and I feel like I'm just finally getting settled! xx

  8. I'm glad you got everything moved. Good on ya. :)

  9. I hope all went fantastically in your move! You will have to post pics of the new place you lucky London man!


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