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Wednesday, 26 May 2010

{Architectural Digest May 2010: Gerard Butler's New York Loft}

Aye up. What's this? A super, mega, huge Hollywood star who actually comes across as fun, friendly and genuinely interested in his interviews? Yeah, that would be Gerard Butler. So, now we've established that he comes across as a nice fella, let's check out his New York loft. Yes, those lovely people at Architectural Digest took us on a tour of his space in the Chelsea district and it certainly doesn't disappoint. Gerard said he wanted to space to be "...elegant and gorgeous and at the same time rather masculine and raw." For me the dramatic chandeliers (3, 4, 6, 7) make the space that little bit more special. This wonderful space was designed by Production Designer Elvis Restaino, so it's no surprise the space is high in the drama stakes. Feast away my friends...

Images: Architectural Digest. Photography by Durston Saylor.


  1. Mr Butler's taste in interior design is as bad as his acting.

  2. WOW what an amazing home, I love it!

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Paul. Always great to hear different viewpoints. His loft isn't my personal favourite style, but I can appreciate what is stylish about it and why it might be an ideal space for some.

  4. I think the "jugle" at the living room is absolutely gorgeous!!

  5. His interior definitely matches his personality! Thanks for sharing Will!

  6. I love G.B {Although not his decor taste} he comes across as so friendly and genuine with a good sense of humour. It helps that his a looker too!

  7. Swoon.....and the living space is not to bad either!

  8. I love it, I want to live there, of course it wouldn't stay that nice with my kids running around

  9. Some of these pictures are really not to my taste - the kitchen looks like you could get a splinter from it: nothing needs to look that rugged! - and yet some of it is really nice. The first picture of the living room with the sofas and chairs gathered around the ottoman and the lamps is really lovely - it makes something quite cosy in what is clearly a massive space.

    I like the use of big plants too, but overall it does look a bit like a hotel lobby in places.

    Maybe I'm just too used to small rooms in London!

  10. you just saved my life... a great customer came in to purchase chandeliers in my store telling me how she wanted to re-create what was done over gerard's dining table. of course (the only mag i did not buy lately) and was dying for me to see it. of course, no longer on stands - i am grateful to you for sharing since AD only will show 2 images and then you have to subscribe to see the rest.. love your blog.. happy to have found you! thanks again... pam

  11. What an incredible home, would never have thought this would be his style though. I love the wooden ceiling beams and the dramatic chandeliers and the just the whole feel!

  12. I generally love the space and its details but I don't like all the traditional furniture bleh!


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