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Friday, 30 April 2010

{Blog Love: 7 Year Wedding}

Perhaps it's the romantic in me, or maybe it's just because this lady knows some serious style when she sees it. Either way, 7 Year Wedding is one fantastic blog. From swoonful weddings to breathtaking interiors, each post is pure escapism all wrapped up into one super stylish package. Here are my inspirations...

Who wouldn't want to dine at these tables? Bright blooms, fresh fruit table decorations and beautiful glassware, all mixed in with glittering candles and twinkling overhead lamps. For me, this is utter bliss.

If I was going to have cocktails on the beach then this is where I would do it. The simple mix of white, grey and yellow works wonders against the real star of this place - the stunning location.

Ok, so it's not interiors, but I do love my fashion. Those shoes and those stripey socks are me all over! Love them.


  1. *bouncing*....this looks GREAT!!! Have to see more, have to go there, have to have the shoes(not the black pair but those with flower, sorry;)) have to get married.....uhm.....already am....whoops....maybe as a guest then!?:D
    Thanks for sharing!!!! WONDERFULL!

    have a nice weekend!(but I know for sure we will see more of you today;))


  2. Can you STOP giving me great blogs to follow! Reading my blog list already takes up half of my day! lol!

    Beautiful designs and as a gal hoping to get married in the near future I might just have to add this blog to my list!

  3. o h m y g o s h!!!! Thank you so much for the shout out. You have made my day, no my week! I love visiting your blog also, all the beautiful colours leave me very inspired. Hope you have a good weekend!!

  4. Sorry, I know there is so much to comment on in this post but Mama Mia those lamps in the final pic! I love them! I mean, I could do without the green cord and fitting, but the actual lamp is yummy!!

    x Charlotta

    P.s. am new here and very enthusiastic.. :)

  5. Raspberries, persimmons, and cabbage leaves as centerpieces? Um awesome!!! I love eclectic table decor. Seriously inspiring. Thanks also for recommending 7 Year Wedding. It is a great blog!

  6. just when i think i have lost all lovely will + bright bazaar comes to my rescue!
    i am planning my bff's wedding in march and this is the perfect inspiration for me! there are so many and i was needing to weed through some. thanks lover!
    heading there now!!!! :)

  7. WoW. These images are just stunning. Great stuff.

  8. Will, whenever I come on this blog there is always the most beautiful images. You have such an eye for picking out style!


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