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Tuesday 2 February 2010

{Wedding styling}

If there was ever an image to encourage daydreaming and escapism, then these photos would tick those boxes. These stunning images come from Duet Weddings, a blog about wedding planning with some serious style. If you would like to take a moment to escape, then take five minutes to immerse yourself in Rebecca's gorgeous weddings in her gallery. Who knew bird cages could look so stylish; there's a certain fairytale magic to them, don't you think?


  1. I love bird cages and those, together with the outdoor dining table, are so evocative and divine. I'm sitting in a dust filled hallway with the brickwork temporarily exposed, so thanks, Will, for transporting me away from that!

  2. These images are giving me serious heart palpitations! I want to get married all over again just so I can do some bird cage styling!

  3. Morning! I know, how stunning is the styling?! I saw them and couldn't believe how magical they looked. Glad we're all having a bit of esacpism on this grey Tuesday morning!

  4. Wow. That's amazing. Birdcages are awesome - I use one as a jewellery box :-)

  5. A jewellery box? That's pretty darn cool! I saw some in a window display in Covent Garden recently - tres, tres gorge!


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