I don't think I'll ever tire of that Friday feeling. Sometimes it starts on a Thursday afternoon, knowing that the weekend is within sight, and sometimes it comes in a flurry as the working week finishes on Friday afternoon. Either way, it's so lovely to know that the weekend is stretched out before you; to take time to to invest in you, your family...your home.
I saw this novelty stamp by WhippetGrey this morning and it made me think about how I get caught up in the daily rush of working in the city. I look forward to taking time at the weekend, but what resonates with me about this stamp is that I must remind myself that I'm not too busy to spend time with those I love, or even just to invest in what I have. I'm going to try and make the most of every weekend in 2010, remembering not to be too busy!
My favourite find this week, is ParisDailyPhoto - Eric, the self-titled 'friendly Parisian' posts a picture he takes of Paris every day: simple, charming and a great insight into an even greater city. I especially liked Eric's image of a Parisian Cafe called Cafe Brebant; how cute are those lamps?!
Image: ParisDailyPhoto
Thank you all for joining me on Bright.Bazaar this week - I've loved reading all your comments, sharing stories with you on twitter and posting about the interiors I love. What have been your favourite finds this week? Whatever you do this weekend, have a lovely time and I'm looking forward to sharing more interiors I love with you next week.
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