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Wednesday, 26 August 2009

{Office Inspiration - PaPaYa's studio/office/warehouse}

It's a triple whammy in this week's office inspiration post and there's certainly plenty of inspiration to be had from these gorgeous images we saw on decor8 recently of lifestyle, stationary and gift designers PaPaYa.

PaPaYa's work spaces are full of colour, charm and personality - we love how the deer's head in their office adds interest to the azure blue wall it adorns. The quirky and original interior spaces of the designer's studio and office areas even extend into the warehouse, which speaks for itself in showing the company's fun, creative and highly productive approach to their working environments.

For many a home office may only be a small room, or if you work for a company, then perhaps it's just a modular pod within a large and bland open plan office. Either way, large office spaces like PaPaYa's and Urban Outfitters can still provide great ideas to introduce into one's own office, no matter how small. How about adding a glamorous chandelier as the light fitting? Perhaps using old wallpaper samples and framing them to add interest? What do you find inspiring in your office? How do you decorate it to make it your own? As always, we love to hear your thoughts!

Images: decor8

1 comment:

  1. I did see these pictures, Will, but what a great environment to be able to work in. I love the colors, even just those on the bookshelves.


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