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Friday, 7 May 2010

{Angus Fergusson Photography}

Behind every glossy magazine page, swoonful styling and sexy portfolio there's usually a hugely talented photographer. Angus Fergusson is one of those talented people who produces brilliant images from our much loved clicky things. Before you take a peek at the gorgeous interiors he's photographed, I just want to say thank you so much for all your comments and kind words this week. Hearing from so many liked minded people really makes my day and always inspires me further. Whatever you do this weekend, I hope you have a blast and I'm already looking forward to seeing you back here on Monday for more tasty treats!

Sumptuous textiles - I'd like to snuggle up here with a good book on a winter's night.

Washed-out pink walls work wonders in this relaxing space.

Super funky colour going on here. Perfect for a college room, perhaps?

Too, too cute! (Couldn't resist posting this one!)

I think having an all-white interior in this scheme makes that fairly ordinary black chandelier, so much more special.

Delicate and intriguing, this is a lovely vignette.

These oversized vases and pops of yellow are a stylish combo.

Understated tableware can be so effortlessly chic.

The chair reminds me of the recent Elle Decor cover, but the real winner here is those stripy walls - love!


  1. All images so gorgeous! Love your way of looking at things! The world is filled with so much beauty!
    Enjoy your weekend!


  2. can you not wrap me one of those HUGE grey vases???? *dreaming*.......
    It's gonna rain whole weekend(duhhh) so I say let's turn the livingroom upside down!!!!!!:D

    Have a nice weekend!!
    And lots of thanks for all of your pictures.....

  3. these are so gorgeous!! I just want to crawl into that bed!! :)

  4. Great photography! Loving those oversized vases and the black feature wall. Have a great weekend Will!

  5. I swear that first picture could almost pass for a Dutch painting. Happy weekend Will.

  6. This is just amazing. I really love the washed-out pink walls. I could totally imagine it in a smallish room with antique, vintage type furniture.

    Salt + Vinegar

  7. oooh, just found your blog. Will be back for more, for sure!

  8. Will -- I can always depend on you for an all-white inspiration! (Photo 5!)

  9. Such a great post!! I love those stripes on the wall and the huge images of the dandy gentleman.

  10. Thanks for your lovely comments everyone. My favourite scheme is the one with the oversized vases and yellow box tower. The men printed on canvas are cool, too!

  11. Thanks for your lovely comments everyone. My favourite scheme is the one with the oversized vases and yellow box tower. The men printed on canvas are cool, too!

  12. Thanks for your lovely comments everyone. My favourite scheme is the one with the oversized vases and yellow box tower. The men printed on canvas are cool, too!


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