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Thursday, 22 December 2011

Mr. Bazaar Goes To Edinburgh!

Photography by Will Taylor
A few weeks ago I took a quick flight up to Edinburgh, Scotland from London for a couple of days. Armed with my camera, I snapped some of my inspirations during the trip and thought it would be fun to share them here with you today. On the first day, the light was just beautiful. The sun was low in the sky, it's rays casting a majestic light across the city. The skies were that kind of clear blue you only seem to get on crisp, cold winter days. By day I was inspired by the Gothic and Georgian architecture and by night the colourful blur of the Christmas lights. It felt so good to breath in the clean, cold air of this beautiful city, which couldn't have felt more festive if it tried. Have you been to Edinburgh? I've been numerous times but I can't help but go back. P.S. Aren't those strung bulbs divine?!


  1. Very cool and super photos - as usual. Edinburgh is up on my itinerary!!

  2. Wow! Your photography is stunning! It reminds me of my trip to edinburgh! However, my pics are nothing compared to yours! How lucky that you had such amazing sunlight while you were there! :)

  3. one of my very favourite places in the world -- how lovely to revisit through your photographs! such a beautiful city x

  4. These photographs are stunning Will!

  5. Edinburgh is one of my all time favorites... Great city with cool people. What more could you ask for?

  6. I've been, and I LOVED it! These awesome images took me right back. Thanks!

  7. the architecture is simply amazing!!

  8. Hello! I came across your lovely pictures and thought of taking a day trip to Edinburg from London when I visit in January. Any places that I really should visit?

  9. Your pics are amazing Will! I am in awe over the beautiful gothic architecture and Edinburgh castle is just exquisite xx

  10. these photos are beautiful! would love to visit there someday.

  11. I've been dreaming of visiting Edinburgh for years - the history is just incredible.

    Andrea x

  12. I've never been there but it looks beautiful. Can I just say your photography rules???? Always love looking at your pics :) xxxx

  13. Wow gorgeous photos. amazing! I love all of the Edison bulbs I see around these days!

    Merry Christmas Will!
    Nancy xo

  14. I die!!!!! Scotland is my favorite country and I LOVED Edinburgh. I took dance classes there and looking out of the big studio windows and seeing Edinburgh Castle was too incredible to describe.

  15. Looks beautiful! I would love to visit Edinburgh!

  16. What a nice pictures, they look as if it was very very cold, jeje.

    This brings good memories of my visit there.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. My grandmother grew up in Edinburgh, but left in the twenties (she was a war bride). I would love to go--perhaps when the kids are out of college and I've had some time to save instead of spend.

  19. Ohmygoodness, Will! These photos are beautiful! Wow. I'd love to get to Edinburgh one day, it looks amazing. Thanks for the awesome photo tour!!

  20. Ah, Edinburgh, my 'home' town. Miss it every day, especially this time of the year. Xmas in the sun just isn't the same...

  21. Amazing photos Will! I would love to go to Edinburgh, have heard so many great things :)

    Abbey x

  22. You take the dreamiest photos...thank you for letting me escape with you! ;)

  23. I love your photos Will, thanks for sharing them. I've never been to Edinburgh but after I took a class on Scottish literature I became a bit obsessed with Scotland. So, Edinburgh is on my long list of ideal destinations.

    I hope you're enjoying the last days before Christmas ;-)

    PS. Your Parisian bauble pin on Pinterest sent quite some traffic on my blog, thank you ;-) In my bookmarks I had a very old link which turned out to be broken so unfortunately I don't know anything about the source of that photo.

  24. lovely place...makes me want to pack my bags and visit :-)

  25. These are such lovely photos, they really capture the spirit of that gorgeous city

  26. Love the mood and the light in these photos, thanks you for sharing them!

  27. We were there this summer and had the most amazing time, despite constant drizzle. It is a magical city and your pictures are fantastic!

  28. OOOH this post made me happy and sad, its home for me and I miss it a LOT. Especially at this time of year Australia is just not the same at Christmas. Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous city. Thanks for sharing.

  29. your photos are spectacular Will. Please tell me you have a book deal by now!


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