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Monday, 17 May 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

1. Thinking happy helps you to be happy.
2. Singapore Slings may well be my new favourite cocktail.
3. Banana Republic's Classic fragrance smells divine.
4. The smell of freshly-washed linen brightens my day.
5. How fantastic does SJP look here?!

6. Above interview with SJP made me even more excited for SATC2.
7. H&M's current range includes some fine shirts.
8. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect shade for my orange lampbase!
9. Rose stems don't seem to live very long after you buy them. (Am I doing something wrong?!)
10. I would love to see a print copy of Domino magazine because I've never seen one in print before.


  1. Love the orange dress, but I'm not feeling those shoes, which is a first for me and SJP! Love these posts of yours xx

  2. Busy weekend Will :) SJP looks fabulous in these shots, I can't wait for the new movie to come out!

  3. Will, you did learn valuable lessons this weekned,with the first one being the most important, I think!...I've been pratising on that, too ;-)

    SJP is awesome!I hope to see the film when in Greece this summer in an open air cinema....haven't been informed about the date though.

    Good luck with the lamp hunt!
    All the best for a lovely week :)
    Iro - Ivy

  4. Fun post. Haven't had (or even thought of) a Singapore Sling since the 80's! You MUST get some Domino mags - how about ebay?? Enjoyed my first visit to your blog - now following! Hope you can stop by...

  5. :-) This post has made me happier too!

    Trufax: Smiling makes you happy, not the other way around.

  6. I'm definitely getting sucked into the media firestorm that's gearing up for S&tC 2. Can't wait!!

  7. Omg, give me your address and I'll send you a copy of Domino. You have to have one.

    Yes, SJP looking incredible!!


  8. I love your list Will! The first one is great and is something I'm going to try to keep in mind at all times. I totally agree SJP looks great in that spread! Oh and I'll have to try Singapore Sling soon!

  9. Yes! I love Classic and have worn it for years. Isn't that bottle the greatest, too?

  10. You've NEVER seen a print copy of Domino!!!!!!????!!!!

    Crazy. Go buy one on ebay.

  11. Enjoying all the SJP loving that's going on in the comments! Not long until the film now...!

    Tommy - Yeah, the classic bottle is really, well, classic. Zara Night is another good high street fragrance that's really quite nice, too.

  12. omg! ok. i have a super surprise for you!
    i have an extra copy of domino magazine saved from back in the day. i have every single issue. i have been keeping them for memories...BUT. since you have never seen one in real life. i would love to spread the love and send you one of me where to send....
    what do you think?????????

  13. Yikes, thank you sweetness! I don't know what to say, it never fails to amaze me how lovely blogging is. Made my week for sure!


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