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Monday 10 May 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

Stop waiting, and just go for it.
Do you really have time to second guess yourself?

1. The quote above from Apartment 513 has kept me positive this weekend.
2. This Dedon advert (above) makes me want to get all my friends together and have a treehouse party.
3. The Back-Up Plan is not a good movie.
4. I have an unhealthy addiction to crispy M&Ms.
5. Having that extra shot in my coffee isn't always the best idea.
6. I'm totally and utterly addicted to glossy magazines and not quite sure how to cure my desire for them?!
7. Zara's latest men's collection is totally rocking my world.
8. I would really like to enroll in a photography class.
9. This Caroline table lamp is too yummy for words.
10. I made bunting (below) and it was lots of fun!

Images: 1, 2. Dedon; 3. Will
What did you do this weekend?


  1. Nice work on the bunting front. And some great learning too this weekend for you!! I would love to do a photography course too!!!

  2. Love your bunting! You are very crafty Will!

  3. Completely agree about the Back up plan - very predictable. I am holding high hopes for SATC2 at the end of the month!

  4. Thanks for your kind comments Sinead and 7 year Wedding - I just wish I took better photographs to show it off a bit more! The patterns and colours are lovely, and came free in Ideal Home Magazine's June issue.

    Oh, yes, ATH&B I can't wait for SATC2. You should go see The Ghost and Date Night - both good in very different ways.


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