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Monday, 26 November 2012

10 Things I Learned & Loved This Weekend

1. Garlands adorned with clementine skins, cinnamon sticks, pine cones and twinkling lights make for very pretty decorations.
2. After weeks of trying to find winter berries, I finally found a florist with some in stock!
3. For the first time I saw a gold painted post box, which signifies a town where a British London 2012 Olympic gold medallist lives. Wasn't it such a lovely idea?
4. London is definitely at its best when it's decorated for Christmas.
5. I liked how this modern colour statement looked against the traditional architecture of London.
6. Fig2Design's holiday cards are perfect for Mr. Bazaar!
7. Lolipop Design's year planner is stylish and colourful is headed straight for my office.
8. I bet this Red Cedar Incense from Old Faithful Shop smells as good as the packaging looks.
9. I added West Elm's playful wash bag to my Father Christmas list!
10. These colourful and typographic espresso cups by Jamie at Home are very cute.


  1. Those expresso cups are too cute.

    1. Aren't they? Be sure to check out the rest of the store... so many adorable pieces for the home!

  2. You just reminded me that across the pond he's called "Father Christmas" it!

  3. You should have asked me for berries. They're all over the place and they are free.. Love the cards! hx

    1. Dash! I went for a walk through our local woods but couldn't find berries any for love nor money, so I headed to the florist instead. Luckily, when I head back to my mum's I know she has plenty near her house so will stock up with more then! Happy new week, Hege! x

  4. Fiona Humberstone26 November 2012 at 11:23

    Love those cards Will. You're right - they are perfect for you!

  5. Love these weekend posts of yours! I was more than happy to wait for a bus the other evening outside Peter Jones/Sloane Square – they are my favourite Christmas lights! Off to find me a gold postbox now!

  6. love the "bright" x'mas cards ... they are indeed perfect for you Mr! Winter berries. .. don't we love them. I saw some at my local florists yesterday as well. Christmas is only a month away now!

    so jealous of the decoration in London ... wish we have that in Toronto as well. .. so serene and festive.

    gold mailbox!! now that's a fun idea!

    1. I know, the gold mailbox has me thinking about bringing some luxe pieces into my decor schemes at home!

  7. So many fabulous things! Looks like a great weekend for discovery =) xx Sal

  8. Lovely picture of you and I adore those cards
    Rachie xo

  9. oohhh, I need that planner too!

  10. I need some winter berries! Next time Im around the flower market Ill pick some up, you look so cute in that photo Will!!

  11. I'm happy you found some ilex berries. Perfect as pre-Christmas decoration. I use to go for the creme ones.

  12. I still haven't started with Xmas decoration at my 'mansion' but this will change as of the coming weekend. Plus, today the Xmas markets opened their gates so it is all festive and gleeful in Munich:-)

  13. The gold letterbox idea is fantastic! And loving those Christmas cards too Will! Have a great week :)

    Abbey x

  14. I love the festive vibe in this post - love the winter berries and I bet the red cedar incense smells wonderful.

    I have never been in London around Christmas time but have a friend living there who tells me it's her favourite season in London.

    1. I agree with your friend, Lisa, Christmas is the best time of year to see London! :)

  15. Winter berries - right! Thank you for reminding me! I´ll go and search for them at my florist tomorrow. Even though I´m sure they´ll not look as good in my vase as they do in your hands on that picture ;)


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