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Saturday, 8 September 2012

Happy Weekend: A Ten Minute IKEA Hack

Welcome to the weekend, friends! Today I wanted to share this quick, easy and super fun DIY project by Paul from Design and Beyond. Paul is a student studying Interior Design and wanted to give the IKEA furniture in his rented digs a quick update. Taking inspiration from the colours and stripe pattern on his bedding, Paul decided to paint simple stripe details onto the drawer fronts of his MALM chest of drawers from IKEA. In a matter of minutes Paul was able to turn a very ordinary piece of furniture into something that expressed his personality and pulled his bedroom scheme together. It's simple decorating updates like these that I find so inspiring - graphic, colourful and simple. Bravo, Paul! What are your weekend plans, folks? During the week I had some new office furniture delivered so I'm going to be clearing out my office and getting my new shelves stocked and sorted. I'm also keeping fingers crossed for one last summer BBQ because London is going to be scorching for the next two days. Have a great one and thank you for your company this week.
// Project & photography by Paul Harrison


  1. indeed! so preppy with the colorful stripes on a classic white ikea dresser! Love the blue wall and that bright neon yellow lamp! West Elm piece sprayed yellow?

  2. I love the very simple personalization. The lamp could be West Elm or Target, eh? The wall color is great, I just painted six table bases an inky blue (rather than the previous dark, dark gray) to set off the mosaic tabletops.

  3. We've got a couple of old ikea pieces which would look so great with this in the kids' rooms. Thanks for the idea Will. Have a fantastic Indian Summer weekend-so amazing isn't it! :-)

  4. via pinterest I come on your blog you go here also follow dear greeting jenneke

  5. Via pinterest- What a simple and fun way to add some color to a boring white piece! I like the way you tied it in with the bedding, what a great idea! This could definitely be a weekend project! :)

  6. I love the interpretation - not too much - just a suggestion of color and pattern that repeats back to the bedding.

  7. Fun & easy! Love the matching colours of the bedding!

  8. What a simple and fun update! Your office project sounds like a lot of work but exciting at the same time. Have a wonderful scorching weekend! :)

  9. Thanks for your comments guys! Very easy to do, and everyone should at least customise one piece of IKEA furniture in their homes.
    The paint colour is called Palm Springs by Crown and the lamp was a bargain at BHS for.... £6!


  10. cool!!!!!simple easy and beautiful idea!!!!

  11. I love Ikea DIYs! That is one of the great things about Ikea furniture, that the price tag allows one to experiment with them a bit and personalise them. Not something I would probably dare to do to expensive furniture. Hope you got to have a bbq. We did! And it was such a nice day, but it sure get cold and dark much sooner than before in the evenings. So ended up inside watching Coldplay playing at the closing ceremony. :)

  12. Loved it!Simple, uptodate and happy!
    Love from Brazil, Will
    Virginia Costa

  13. LOVE IT!! and crazy for those bright colors against the white!


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