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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Home Tour: Colourful Home of Sydney Artist

One of the reasons I started writing Bright.Bazaar was because I felt passionate about people using colour to express their personalities through home decorating. So you can imagine my instant delight the moment I saw this tour of Daimon Downey's Sydney home. And, really, Downey's home couldn't be more fitting: he has literally decorated his home with his own colourful artworks and quirky finds; the items upon his classic Parker sideboard are testament to this. The reflection of Downey's relaxed vibe continues as sporadic brushes of paint adorn chairs throughout the property. Yet, his use of colour isn't entirely unhinged - notice how the dining area is painted in a bold orange hue across the two corner walls. This helps to zone the eating area as a separate space from the rest of the open plan room. Fresh, vibrant and invigorating - I love this home! What do you like about it?
// Styling by Mr Jason Grant | Photography by Felix Forest


  1. wow this is so colorful and fun. Wouldn't mind living in a place like this!

  2. I love this home, it totally inspires me and makes me smile. My favourite homes are ones that reflect the owner's personality, and are full of character - this definitely tick those boxes. Thanks for sharing. x

    1. I agree, these things make for the best homes. A massive tick from Will and Vic! ;) x

  3. fabulous, so light and amazingly not busy, for all that's going on in there. and i'd love to have a studio where you can get paint on the floor! x

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  5. Love the playfulness and use of color!

  6. clarity from friends of socktopus25 July 2012 at 04:37

    This house is gorgeous!! Pure happiness. I would love to visit!


    Clarity from

  7. Really beautiful! It takes years to be able to get a home like this. I love it.

  8. Very busy! Always a talking piece to share with others. Great place to visit and be entertained in but I would need some calmness somewhere to hide in! G.x

  9. So bright! I guess you can't get sad in that place!!!

  10. What a gorgeous space! I love all of these colours mixed together + the red textured wall in the kitchen looks amazing! xx

  11. Just someone sensitive like you can find such gorgeous things. Love it!!!

  12. I agree with you that when people express their personality through color is so fearless!!! Love the atmosphere, very "inviting" and totally unique.

  13. I love the single turquoise drawer, so fun!

    1. Me too - a simple but highly effective use of colour.

  14. there is nothing here that I do not just plain love !!!

  15. Love it all!! Especially the piano and yellow swivel chair - "our music is killing me" "R.I.P"

  16. What a fun space!! How can you NOT be creative living in a amongst all that inspiration and colour ?

  17. Oh what a fun and creative space Will! Full of personality. I love all the art and colour and the pressed metal, could go on and on really :)

    Abbey x

  18. Now this is a real colour feast!! Love the abundance of vibrant colours and the spacey, airy apartment. And the ceiling is stunning!

  19. What do I like about it? Hmm, everything, I guess! :-) But I have to mention that old trumpet, it is just perfect. I usually know about a place or a home that I like it, when I realize I would love to have a piece of it in my home, too. Well, that trumpet is a MUST! :-)

  20. piecespassed.blogspot.com25 July 2012 at 22:46

    I LOVE LOVE bright colors all mixed and mashed together! That's what makes this house so happy to me! I paint furniture for my dreary therapy room at much so that my boss calls it "The Dr. Suess Room"!!

    1. Pleased to hear you using colour to add some happy to your life! :)

  21. An incredibly happy home. Love it so much.

  22. I love the paint splattered on the floor! Growing up I was always getting in trouble for spilling paint on my bedroom floor. Hey, an artist has to do what she has to do! ;)

  23. We adore this home! It looks fun and bright, what more can you ask for!?


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