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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

A Stripe Addiction

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Friends, it's official, People magazine broke the news over night: I am having a heated affair with stripes. They stole my heart with their glossy symmetry and no matter how hard I try, I just can't resist their constant pampering of my OCD tendencies! And things are only getting worse now that stripes and brights have teamed up to make one smokin' hot duo. I fear there is no solution other than to embrace my lust and hope for the best. Let's just hope Mr.Stripe gets on with Mrs.Polka Dot...who said three's a crowd?!


  1. you and me both, Will!! i adore stripes!!! and your style (:

  2. Will, I am just as addicted as you are. Everything from striped hallway at chez savoir faire to striped shirts and striped towels, plus the striped HBC blanket you have shown. So tempted to get the HBC duffle coat which is exactly the same as the blanket.

  3. I'm addicted to all kind of stripes. :) And I'm looking for such a colourful wallpaper for my new home too!

  4. I especially love the turquoise stripes behind the staircase! I love how it seems to echo the longness of the space and the grandness of staircases. It also adds a bit of fun!

  5. Feeling a little dizzy:) But any stripe is a good stripe to me!

  6. I would love to have a striped wall - just one of the sides will do!

  7. You are too cute!! But I think you are on to something, perhaps I am so crazy about stripes due to my own OCD tendencies? Hmm. Whatever it is I will always love them! And Mrs. Polka Dot is definitely my girl too!

  8. Hi im your newest follower :) I love your pick of photos and the way you bring them together so they pop on the screen. Your colour combos are amazing.

  9. yes. yes. and one more yes. I could live in stripes forever...

  10. Will, I'm really loving your layouts this week! Great job my friend!

    xo - jami
    i m a g i n e

  11. Um, holy wow those stripes are amazing!! I really love the blue striped staircase! The striped living room definitely make a statement but don't think I would be game enough to go all out like this...

  12. You are a hoot! Absolutely loving stripes and especially that first room — wow! Hope you are having a fabulous week :)

  13. This post is perfect! If I could candy stripe my entire house, I'd be in heaven. And that blue striped stairway? *swoon*

  14. I'm usually a polka-dot lover, but this post may convert me.

  15. I'm addicted too Will! Stripes will just have to get along with polka dot in my world because i'm addicted to both:-)

  16. cute, cute post, will!!! love your writing style...and your style.

    i'm beyond addicted to's to the point where I'm afraid my house is becoming home to the 'crazy stripes lady'

    but they just add so much!

  17. These are SO fantastic. And that top image....ahhh! So deliciously fresh, snappy and yes, perfect for falling in love with!

  18. ooh remember the Kate spade staircase here in London?? amazing!

  19. I guess Mrs. Plaid will have move out! Stripes are definitely in the house...

  20. Love the stripes too - how gorgeous - would love that hallway!
    Rachie xo

  21. Who wouldn't love those stripes? Much cheer

  22. These make me happy! Always love to wear stripes (esp in black + white) but these colourful ones seem extra cheerful!

  23. I'm shocked! Has Mr. Stripe cheated on me after all those years? And I thought his heart was mine! Oh, the turmoil.
    Okay, laugh aside, I completely agree with you. Love stripes, and they're so versatile, too!

  24. Stripes are da bomb!! Especially bright ones!

  25. Who doesn't love stripes?! I'm gaga for skinny stripes, but I've been known to have the odd affair with fat, chunky ones too. Love it!

    *Tania @

  26. Wow! Those multicolored stripes are stunning! I keep going back to look at that photo!

  27. I hear that! Welcome to the Stripes Addiction Club. There's no cure [and that's the way we like it!!!!]

  28. you know how i feel about stripes....


  29. I love this post, you have me giggling! AND I LOVE stripes. They are timeless!!! xo

  30. Will, I hate to tell you but US Weekly just broke the news that Mr. Stripe is cheating on you with ME! I have a severe addiction, too. How cute is that painted heart?!

  31. I am a total stripe girl. If you have seen my dining room you know that about me. This Christmas I added some black and white stripe ornaments to my green and white striped dining room, love it !! I will be posting it soon for Christmas, Love a good stripe,Kathysue

  32. Polka dots for my kids. Stripes for me!

    Loving these happy stripes you flaunt.

    Hugs from Down Under.
    x C

  33. I'm with you on the stripey thing. Love them on anything and with anything.


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