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Monday, 30 August 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

1. Saturdays make a great time for cocktails o'clock - shake, shake!
2. Saturdays with old friends and dancing provide much banter/laughs/general larking.
3. Saturdays with cocktails, old friends, dancing and a great Chinese meal are tops.
4. Amongst all the festivities I found time to hang my new print.
5. Wii Sports Resort makes you discover muscles you never knew you had!

6. Sunday morning trips to the deli can be lethal on the old bank balance.
7. I need to learn to exercise more self control in said deli. Capers! Olives! Gherkins! Bankruptcy!
8. Toast's Autumn/Winter catalogue is certainly easy on the eye. (Also, the brand's first ever men's collection launches in September).
9. Nigella makes figs pretty darn well.
10. My Macbook is flirting outrageously with this Grey Wool Felt and Brown Leather case. The done thing to do is play matchmaker, right?!


  1. I heard bankruptcy now comes in a new, exotic taste!
    That felt case is amazing. I should get it for the huz, then snatch it.

  2. What a fabulous case! The color combo is amazing - gray & brown, cool and warm - fantastic!

  3. Haha! Excellent. #7 made me lol! Love the new print, love the apt. Wow. Great to see you had a great weekend! Now, on to the week..

  4. what a great weekend your ipad making nay more advances...he should...!!!

  5. Delis, dancing and cocktails, sounds like a fab weekend Will! And yes, you should definitely play matchmaker!;)

  6. All those things are going to be a starin on the bank balance! Cocktails are good anytime (had a few this weekend myself) and the Mac book cover is to die for!

    Have a fabby week!

  7. you had a great weekend WIll, enjoy the day off honey! xxx

  8. ha- I love the idea of you going broke over pickles. :) hahah! looks like your weekend was FUN! we hit up that food festival in oxford.. and it was awesome!

    happy monday!!

  9. OH, yes, you must play matchmaker! Its divine...just like your weekend!

  10. Oh I can spend so much money on good food too! It's almost worse than shopping!

  11. The figs are almost in season here. Yum.

  12. I've been eyeing that laptop cover, too. So nice. And I didn't know Toast had a new catalog out. Thanks for the tip!

  13. I love your weekend recaps! I totally got a laugh out of your deli trip because I feel the same way. But, last week at Whole Foods I got a seriously good deal. It's at least a 2 month supply of capers, for only $8, it felt so good to come home not on the verge of bankruptcy, hehe! The laptop cover is tres chic! Love! Looks like you had a fun weekend... heres to a lovely week!

  14. you are a cutie! love it when you post pics of yourself...FUN!

  15. Such a fun weekend! Now I need a cocktail;-)

  16. i'd like you to make me a cocktail please. thanks. :)

  17. What a fun weekend! You sure did find time to do a lot of stuff :)

  18. It looks like you had a great weekend. I'm loving Byrd & Belle.

  19. Awesome weekend love love the Macbook cover!

  20. I know what you mean about the deli, that stuff can empty your wallet, and it doesn' last long, not with me anyway. You make me think, am I learning anything over the weekend? Maybe I should start writing a few things down :)

  21. fantastic, but, but but - please, you lovely thang, it's "saturdays" and "cocktails" without apostrophes. those unnecessary little things hurt my eyes! and i need my eyes to look at all the gorgeousness you dish out every day!

  22. I love number ones pic! Such a cute bartender! : )

  23. Thanks you guys! Looks like I should play matchmaker for my little macbook and the felt case! Tee hee.

    the polish chick - thanks for letting me know - all changed!

  24. definitely play matchmaker! it's awesome! sounds like another fun weekend Will - great cocktails, friends, Chinese food and did I say cocktails?? fun! :)

  25. Great Great Great.

    I love all 10 things. :) (as I normally do)

  26. Wow! You were busy. I love that print on your wall...actually all the pics are pretty fab.


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