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Thursday, 4 February 2010

{Swoon: Stunning B&B in Brussels}

I wrote about India Knight's quirky interior tastes - which I love - last year, and yesterday her good taste for interiors showed through again. India posted a link on twitter to this gorgeous B&B in Brussels and my-oh-my, isn't it breathtaking?! I would quite happily have all those open shelves and fill them bit by bit with interesting crockery and artifacts. The natural light, which comes in by the bucket load works so well with the neutral colour-scheme (which is unusual for me to like: I'm a big advocate of colour) - yet it works. And, what is it about standalone baths? They are so indulgent! What do you guys like about this B&B?


  1. I think I could live in that bathroom. It's heavenly.

  2. Oh, me too. Although I might get carried away and paint the bath in a crazy, bright colour!

  3. The shelves. Definately the shelves! All though I prefer more order in my book shelve. With the right books and crockery, the result will be wonderfully colourful!

  4. What a lovely blog you have here! Enjoying looking back on your posts...


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