Tuesday, 18 May 2010

{Pendant Pairs}

I was inspired to write this post after the lovely Jane from the girl in the brick house commented on my post about pattern last week. It led me to think about whether pendants should be grouped in threes, rather than twos. I know, I know, really there shouldn't be too many rules when it comes to decorating, otherwise it would be boring. But, let's face it, things often do look better in threes. That said, check out these super sexy spaces, all featuring wonderful pairs of pendants. P.S. I don't think I'll ever tire of the Knappa pendant.

Images: 1. AT via TT; 2, 3. IKEA; 4, 5. HousetoHome


  1. Will! an awesome post. I have the knappa pendant and actually survived the assembly. found a great blow-by-blow of the put-together on flickr. apparently, it is a booger for everybody.

    now you have me thinkin' of the 'threes' possibility! great look and great post...

  2. yes - rules were meant to be broken LOL. We're wrestling with this exact problem on a project at work. 3 looks like too much over a table, however -unless it's 24' long and then it's buckingham palace! I think 2 works over a table because of symmetry -which over-rides the odd-number rule. They're 'flanking' rather than a grouping perhaps?
    Oddly enough though -3 hanging fixtures look better than 2 over a kitchen island!

  3. Hi Will
    Great post. I was just getting into pairs which I think look great! Ironically I just found 3 like the coastal ones in the last image at a salvage yard recently. I think Architect Design had some great insights and advice.
    My brother recently built a large home and has pairs of fixtures in many of his rooms which i think is overkill. I'm all for a statement!

  4. totally agree! something about pendants grouped together that's so dramatic!

  5. I'm with you. The first picture is my favorite and the knappa looks good anywhere!

  6. i recently did a post on this a couple weeks back. two's or three's: as long as they are grouped above a table or island makes a very dramatic and lovely look!

  7. Love these pics! I especially like the dandelion pendant. Is Ikea selling those yet? So lovely!

  8. gawd we have the SAME mind...working on a pendant post now.
    these are lovely.
    hope you had a fab weekend love. thanks for the advice today...i might have to rush home and do just that! lol.

  9. I have been in pendant hell the last few months, looking for the perfect pair for our kitchen. I finally just found them and I can't tell you how happy I am. In my case, there was no choice - it had to be two because of the wiring, which I think is more often the case - but if you had a really large space, I think three would look really good.

  10. I LOVE a pair of pendants instead of a single.. so much more drama. I tell my clients even though the room may be small, you can always fit two pendants!


  11. These tables are incredible!! I would love to create one with the kind of simplicity.
    All the best, Connie

  12. I love a good pendant fixture, and they're surprisingly hard to find.

  13. Wow, I can't believe my little old question led to this posting! Thanks so much for mentioning me, Will, but also for the insight and other blogger's comments. It's definitely made me re-think my possible pendant arrangements. All the images are very inspiring, too, and lots of food for thought. Will give you a mention in my next posting :)

  14. I like how the little kid's outfit in the fourth picture coordinates with the room!

  15. Hey gang, lovely to read about your personal experiences with two or three pendants.

    Architect Design - I agree, I do think tables serve to 'flank' and so that is why it works. I have seen tables with three over the top, but they are usually super long tables, so that is why it probably works.

  16. I do love that pendant, I was lucky enough to snatch one from the as-is section for only $3! It is now hanging in my backyard, under the grapevine :)

    Ripped Nylon


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