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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Home Tour: Colourful Converted Paris Factory

Welcome to the home of movie set decorators Etienne and Clorinda Méry, who live in the Bastille district of Paris. Isn't their home a wonderful riot of colour? It was just the hit of hue I needed to colour me inspired on this dreary November day. The home sits within a converted fire extinguisher factory and the colour schemes that run throughout were inspired by the bright colours of baroque colonial cities like Cuba and South America. Personally, I love how the home uses colour to highlight the building's best features - as well as it's shortcomings. For example, the beautiful architrave is painted in shades from golden yellow to dusty pink to make it a feature of the space, whilst in the dining room, peeling plaster is painted in a refreshing mint shade to compliment to pastel pink of the exposed brick wall behind. Using colour in this manner to create interesting and quirky features out of the home's existing 'shell' is truly inspiring, don't you think?
// Marie Claire Maison | Photography by Vincent Leroux | Time Machine


  1. I think I have decided a Morocan Tea Table is a must buy now. I love the eclectic Chinoiserie vibe going on in the living room.

  2. Happy, happy, happy pics! Love the daybed, and I have to say, I have a room that's festooned with Chinese lanterns as well. Love them!

  3. Sch a fun and happy space Will! Just loving those pink floors :)

    Abbey x

  4. I'm so in love with pink right now!

  5. I love this house. It is happiness with a couch.

  6. Wow, wow, wow! So much more than just colourful decor, like you say, it's been so cleverly done and the true magic of it is actually in the finer details!

  7. WOW, that IS colorful! Great find :)

  8. Wow! What a burst of colour for these dreary November days. Makes me feel I should be braver with colour! /Niki

  9. As much as I like it I couldn't live in a place like that.. too many colours! Love that sofa though! hx

  10. so much eye candy! Literally!

  11. Beautiful! I especially love the lanterns surrounding the disco ball.Bet they have a lot of cool party's in that room!

  12. Absolutely brilliantly mad place :) J'adore indeed - certainly brightened up my day.
    My fave space is the daybed and the picture of the beautiful lady:)

  13. Very sweet home, made me happy! And thank you for the comment! :-)

  14. Oh my goodness, color everywhere! Love this! So fun. Would be so great to do a shoot here with a model.

  15. That is an incredible home. I love all the color so much.


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