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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Happy Weekend: Breakfast Nook Colour

OK, let's chat ideal weekends, shall we? Of course, I like to start my day in colourful surroundings, so this breakfast nook would be ideal. A combination of zesty yellow, green and orange accent hues against a refreshing white base palette equals a winning space, ideal for a leisurely breakfast. I'd enjoy a bowl of fresh fruit whilst browsing the weekend papers, before popping to the farmer's market to pick up supplies for that evening's dinner. I'd return home to cook up a new dish before relaxing with a great friends and a good movie. What do you do to relax on the weekend, friends? Have a good one!
// Style at Home | Photography by Michel Dube


  1. I`m loving those chairs, I`ve been seeing them all over the place in different colours, they look great in orange.
    Sounds like my kinda weekend, nothing is better then kicking back and watching a movie. I also like to pop over to a favorite icecream parlor for some delicious moka icecream and stroll around people watching and peeking in shop windows.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Watching a movie sounds great. I just watched The Proposal! :)

  2. I'm crazy for those green light fixtures. I just love the weekends with not a thing on my schedule, except for a Sunday morning flea market. happy weekend! Teri

  3. Definitely Bright Bold and Beautiful Will ~ have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Now that is the joy of having it all white - you get to play with colour and switch it up as often as you want.

  5. Man, the chair is superb! I need to buy one and I can't seem to be able to decide between this one and the one from Vitra. I try to do the necessary last-minute work during Friday so that I have an empty schedule for weekends. I love playing football with my friends and having a bbq afterwards if the weather's fine. Sundays are for chilling and sleeping. How did your Saturday night turned out?

  6. Thank you so much Will! It´s so much fun making, but a lot of work! Right now I´m exhausted, but it´s so worth it. And I´m always amazed by the response. People are so lovely and friendly. Wish you wonderful days! xox

  7. it is bright and sunny here in Toronto this weekend. Was out crazy shopping for 8 hours for a project on Saturday and now I truly get to relax a little on sunday. Going to the gym for a couple of classes and help my Dad with his garden a little. Fun stuff. Hope you are having a good one MR.

  8. The wishbone chairs are definitely calling my name! Love the energetic orange!



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