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Monday, 24 October 2011

10 Things I Learned & Loved This Weekend

1. I felt inspired by the navy and azure blue hues of the matchbox I bought from Jonathan Adler's new London store.
2. The light in London on Sunday was beautiful - I took this snap in Covent Garden.
3. Vintage school chairs with added stripe detail? Yep, they're rapidly stealing Mr. Bazaar's heart!
4. Enjoyed the autumnal feel at the farmer's market, especially seeing these bright orange pumpkins.
5. Saturday night spent in chilling out by candle light was really peaceful and relaxing.
6. These darling animal cards arrived from Le Canot Rouge - you can order them at 10% off using the code 'brightbazaar10'. (Pssst! There's free international shipping, too!) My favourite is the bear eating the pie!
7. Couldn't help but smile when I saw this owl bottle opener on a tumblr dedicated to... owls!
8. Loved this colour block desk.
9. So tempted to buy these illustrative prints as a nod to my love of Italian food.
10. This limited edition Kenwood mixer reminded me of baking cakes with my mum when I was younger.


  1. Awwww, the beaver in the ring! Love him.

  2. Loving the mixer!
    kshoo design

  3. Love the italian prints -- they'd be adorable in the kitchen!

  4. amazing cards. and I must have a mixer.

  5. Hapy monday :) That owl bottle opener is adorable! Love the striped mixer too. Great find Will! Xx

  6. I love those matches from Jonathan Adler! I have got a blog post in the works including some coasters from there- I love all of the colours they use.

    Great round-up- Have a great Monday!

  7. the light in London WAS gorgeous this weekend! hope it lasts :)

  8. I so want that Kenwood Mixer!! And I have that exact candle holder too!
    Hope you had a nice weekend!
    Rachie xo

  9. oh I need to pay a visit to the Jonathan Adler store! must be a visual treat

  10. Gorgeous mixer! Don't do much mixing but might just have to get one of these Ha ha! Yes, beautiful weekend in London, lots of Autumn sunshine, I'm still smiling and hope it lasts too x

  11. You had me at the matchbox Will!!!

  12. wow, i like your blog! very interesting and creative :), follow each other? xoxo

  13. Really enjoy your blog! You're right, the light in London on Sunday was wonderful, such a beautiful day. Also, I love the animal cards (must look into those).

  14. Those matches are absolutely FAB! Makes me want to ditch the fancy lighters and go old school!xx

  15. Love these animal card. They just remind me so much of my canadian culture. I mean loon, beaver and moose!!!! It just screams Oh Canada!

  16. Happy Monday! Im so into little Owls lately and LOVE that cork screw. the JA matches are FAB!!Your Sat night looks dreamy. Wish you a great week. xo

    manvi @ mochatini

  17. i love these roundups of yours!!
    especially loving that color block desk...

  18. I love the kenwood mixer!!!!!!!!!!

  19. possibly one of my favourite round-ups you have done. the owl corkscrew, the beaver in a ring card, the striped vintage chairs...

  20. Love all these especially that mixer!

  21. Thanks so much everyone for your kind comments. I am SO tempted to buy the little owl bottle opener! xx

  22. The animal cards and the owl bottle opener kill me. i love them so much! this is my feature that you do. :)

  23. you'll always be in my mind as the no. 1 JA fan. :)

    those prints are amazing... you know i appreciate the italian culinary skills right along side you. :)

    ps. helena & i are scheming up a holiday party. hopefully, details soon... and would love to have your cute self there!


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