Sunday, 8 May 2011

Sunday's Bright Links No.34: A Waterside Breakfast

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Guest posting about my 'Iconic Inspirations'.
How the new Pinterest logo came to be.
Inviting kitchen tables.
A photographic tour of The Brooklyn Flea.
The delightful new portfolio of photographer, Jacqueline Jaszka.
Lana takes us on a tour of the stunning Vergelegen Estate.
Weathered blues in Paris.
Inside a stylist's loft.
Love the latest Urban Outfitter's bedding range.


  1. Thanks so much for the link Will!
    Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. I want to go to Greece sooo bad!

  3. amazing summer pictures!!!
    I wish you a happy and sunny Sunday!

  4. Summer in May!

    Have a nice Sunday!

  5. I really want to go on a vacation. Those boats are too inviting!

  6. Gorgeous setting, I need to be there!

  7. Great links, Will! I wasn't sure how I felt about the new Pinterest logo but seeing their post has changed my mind :) Regardless of the logo, I'm addicted!

  8. Wil, thank you so much for linking to my portfolio! You've been so kind about linking to my blog, and I really appreciate it. :) Happy Sunday!

  9. Happy Sunday Lovely Will!

    Fantastic images as always.

    I love Urban Outfitters! And guess what I ordered last week - it is showing up at my house on Tuesday. (And people say it is very sturdy).

    I am very excited. It will do just fine until I find a nice vintage one for less than $2000....,+product.marketingPriority&navCount=10&navAction=jump&color=&pushId=A_FURN_FURNITURE&popId=APARTMENT&prepushId=&selectedProductSize=

    ox, Mon

  10. OK. It's officially time for a vacation. That top image looks like just the spot. Is that San Tornini?-- so inviting...

  11. @ Janna - Likewise!

    @ Lindsey - Oh, me too. Totally and utterly addicted. I just downloaded the iPhone app this morning!

    @ Aron, Happysnapshots - Anytime! Thank you for the inspiration.

    @ Mon - Sadly i can't see your Urban Outfitters item because of the country barrier (I'm sure it's wonderful, though!)

    @ Justina - Yep, it's the Grace Santorini hotel! Shall we go? ;)


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