Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Farrow & Ball New Paint Colours 2011

 Wall: Brassica No.271 | Ceiling & chair (left): Stone Blue No.86 | Door: Manor House Gray No.265 | Chair (right) & table: Cornforth White No.228 | Floor: Blackened No.2011
Now this is what I call a Tuesday afternoon treat - a divine selection of images detailing the new Farrow & Ball paint colours. Launched only today, the collection of nine new colours stays true to the Farrow & Ball tradition with their intriguing names and sources of inspiration. Charlotte's Locks No.268 (below) is a particular favourite of mine - it was widely used as an accent colour in the minimalist decoration of the 1950s and looks brilliantly bold against All White No.2005. I'm also drawn to the combination of Plummett No.272 and Arsenic No.214 in the home office - that mid-tone grey sure does add some drama! Anyway, take a peek and let me know which new colours you're liking.
 Wall: Charlotte's Locks No.268 | Ceiling and woodwork: All White No.2005 | Chairs: Blazer No.212 | Chairs: Off-Black No.57 | Door: Babouche No.223
 Wall and cabinet: Plummett No.272 | Ceiling: Arsenic No.214 | Table: Down Pipe No.26 | Chairs: Blackened No.2011
 Wall: Calluna No.270 | Ceiling: Churlish Green No.251 | Door: Folly Green No.76 | Architrave: Cooking Apple Green No.32 | Left hand bed: Parma Gray No.27 | Right hand bed: Red Earth No.64
Doors: Dove Tale No.267 | Wall: Arsenic No.214 | Ceiling: Churlish Green No.251


  1. these color combos are impeccable!

  2. well, this is a tuesday (morning here) treat! as my friend jon says, um. LOVE!

  3. Now these are some interesting colours! Not for me personally, however can recognise in the right setting they would be perfect.

  4. Fab! I was wondering when they might come out with some bolder colours - these are great!!
    Rachie xo

  5. that third pallet is really a favorite! Green-Blues and Grays ... it doesn't get much better.

  6. I was also waiting for today, I'm a design nerd, for sure. I am loving the Manor House Gray...might be my new fav!

  7. love the color in the bathroom in that last one!

  8. ooh, loved the colors in the pic with the green ceiling!!


  9. i am a color wimp so i LOVE to see all of this paint inspiration! one of these days, i will be bold with paint in my home...thanks for the inspiration!


  10. love these colors especially the color in the bathroom.


  11. I tend to love greens...so, the colors in the last photo are really fab. The bedroom shot is great too.

  12. oh my goodness. this is so. yummy.

  13. I'm loving all these painted ceilings! Perhaps one day I would dare ; ) Thank you for the love on Design Darling's new look — it means a lot coming from you!

  14. I think the last mint green is my favorite. I'm really drawn to mint lately, but that seems to happen every year when I'm craving spring!

  15. oh my- that last mint green Arsenic color is heavenly!!

  16. Perfect on this grey miserable day!

    Bravo F&B for bright bold colors..... love them,

  17. This colors are wonderful...hmmm...they have me thinking! Thank you for the inspiration!!!

  18. Love everything F & B! They can't do any wrong in my eyes. The colours are so warm and rich- loving the reds and greys.

  19. Gorgeous images, don't you just love F&B

  20. I love the combos but in particular, their unique stopping points. Below the trim, a different color on the ceiling and on different walls in the same room...very unique & visually enjoyable!

  21. I love painted ceilings, I do them all the time but find the pairing of the grey with blue and blue/green just makes the grey look dirty and uninspiring. Not for me thanks!


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