Saturday, 11 September 2010

{Happy Weekend}

I couldn't resist posting this charming film - I defy it not to make you smile.
What happens when you let 100 house cats loose inside IKEA? A whole lotta cute, that's what!
P.S. It's worth watching to the end to see the finished advert IKEA made from the experiment.


  1. I'll watch it tomorrow, pinky promise. I love cute.

  2. totally to cute. thanks for posting this. have a great weekend too!

  3. Definitely got the 'ahhh' factor ;)

  4. Is it wrong that this made me cry. so darling <3

  5. Whoa. I like how they distilled the madness into something sweet. (Note to self: If you ever buy anything from IKEA again, wash it like there's no tomorrow.)

  6. Sorry, didn't mean for my first comment to sound like I was too busy to watch. Way cute!

  7. So cute, Will! I adore cats. (And the two cuties on the couch at the outset weren't half bad either!)

    Wish I had more time for blogging right now, but after we're back from Italy the week after next (we're taking off tomorrow in our Scirocco, vroom!) I hope to be able to stop by here more often; your blog is too inspirational to stay away from for too long!

    Take care,

  8. Brilliant! Whoever came up with that idea. All the chaos in the beginning was worth it; the ad tucked at my heart:-) Happy weekend to you. xx

  9. definitely worth watching it ALL!! so cute!! thanks Will!! enjoy the rest of the weekend xx

  10. This is hilarious! Whoever came up with this!? Oh, IKEA... :)

  11. Glad we're all in agreement over our feline friends!

  12. Lol. This is the strangest thing I've ever seen. I can't stop laughing.


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