Friday, 3 September 2010

{Colour Cocktail: Green and White}

Green and I have been bonding quite a bit lately. I think it was when I read this post on Full House that I started to think that we might actually have more in common than I thought. Dip dye? I never thought I'd be speaking about it in a positive light. But, that's what's fun about interiors - always surprising me. So surprised in fact, the cheeky little colour managed to twist my arm and demanded a cocktail straight up. And here it is: green and white in all it's refreshing glory. For me, I like the thought of mixing several different green hues together, much like these vases from a few weeks back. That said, if opting for one shade interest can be added through texture and distressed surfaces. So, with green and I back on an even keel (pre cocktails!) I think it's fair to say this combo can work in light and airy rooms, whilst darker shades are perfect for autumnal schemes.

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  1. can't believe i'm the first one!!!
    LLLLLLoove w&g!
    i'll ask for your suggestions when it'll will be time for the new home decoration, ok?

  2. Happy Friday Will! I haven't quite cottoned to green this year ... which is surprising b/c it's always been a fave of mine...Glad you've found some passion for it tho, and some lovely shots! Happy weekend!

  3. The green and white will have to grow on me, but I love the choices you made. Have a fabulous weekend! I'm looking forward to your 10 things :)

  4. Love this green! I'm pairing it with blue for Spring. Breaking all the rules :) Have a wonderful weekend x

  5. I'm loving that green distressed door! Have a great weekend, Will! xo

  6. green i s one of my favorite for my home.
    I just LOVE the chair !!!!

  7. I loove it Will, love the green door, so cute!! have a great weekend my dear, hopefully we will have some nice weather :) xxx

  8. I looove green and white! Now you would never have guessed that, really from looking at my avatar ;)

  9. Lovely and a beautiful complement to these blooms:

    Though I'm loving the blue kitchen to the left and thinking that I may need to paint the kitchen accent wall blue now.

  10. so fresh, will, and that DOOR! wow!

  11. Love green. I adore the chair and light fixture - must have them!
    have a great weekend Will!

  12. I really like those emerald coloured chairs with the dining room table. It makes me think of the Wizard of Oz and the Emerald City... but in a good way!

    Have a lovely weekend!
    :) Christine

  13. I'm so loving green and white, so this cocktail of yours is quite delicious!
    Have a sweet weekend Will.

  14. I LOVE the green. Especially that fab green and wood dining chair!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  15. I adore that bottom dining room!!!!!! Green and white I LOVE! Happy weekend!


  16. I really like this combination. It's also very Kate Spade-y. Yum.

  17. The more i visit you Will, the more i think we would be type to talk about design all day if we hung out! I have this exact cocktail going on in my kitchen. I even have a FERM wallpaper(green and white) to round out the look in the kitchen:-).xx

  18. Thank you for sharing your green and white combo thoughts! Always fun to hear what you like and don't!


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