Tuesday, 7 September 2010

{Book Review: American Modern}

Can I tell you a little secret? There's a bit of a man crush going on over here on Bright.Bazaar today and it's all because of one super sophisticated book. American Modern from Abrams books is the charming product of Thomas O'Brien. With it's chic grey cover this book is a delight from the outset and inside we are treated to inspiration from many of O'Brien's projects: a downtown New York City loft, a traditional Connecticut estate, and a converted schoolhouse in eastern Long Island. With each project, the reader is given advice on how to make the best of colour relationships, along with perfecting the art of scale. Beautifully photographed by Laura Resen and split into seven main sections from Traditional Modern to Urban Modern and Elegant Modern to Vintage Modern the 240 pages are almost certain to inspire and, if I'm honest, charm your socks off! This is a considered book of true elegance and style - bravo, Thomas.

Book by Thomas O'Brien | Images within book by Laura Resen | Styling and layouts for review by Bright.Bazaar


  1. Love the book, but what's that sparkly stuff underneath?? So chic!!

    d :)

  2. I love Thomas O'Brian! I have a couple of lamps from his line he did for Target a while back.

  3. I love black glossy doors against white walls... striking! xo

  4. That last kitchen is amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I can understand the crush! Photos are wonderful especially with that gold striped fabric!

  6. Love the specs in the photo! He is scrumptious isn't he? Love the glimpses of the book, his interiors have evolved over the years. I love how it's streamlined yet so livable.

  7. OK, now I am crushing too...want/need/must have this book, looks divine!xx

  8. Man crush epidemic now spread all the way to Sydney!!

    Want that book.. must have that book.. will get that book!

    xx C

  9. I can't wait...it looks fabulous!!

  10. Looks like I need to buy yet another fabulous design book. Thanks for the preview Will!

  11. Love this book! Such inspiring designs...I am always looking for a new coffee table book to add to my current rotation, and I think I just found my next one!

  12. Ah! You've gotta love Thomas O. (Did you know that he has a line of home goods for sale at Target? See...they really have it all.)

  13. Def a favorite book of mine.

  14. Can't wait to get my hands on this! Love Mr. O'Brien - he's a genius1

  15. I have to get this one! Sounds like it's full of great stuff!

  16. I love Mr. O'Brien and your very thorough review of his book has won me over! I guess i'll be making yet another trip to Barnes & Noble! xx

  17. I have to admit to being a complete & utter Thomas O'Brien fan - I've always wanted to be able to decorate in vignettes like he does - he makes it look effortless. Definitely have this book on my list!

  18. I am in LOVE with his style Will. That book looks FABO! I love the fact that he dresses so down to earth!

  19. sorely tempting! he has divine style, this will go up high on the wishlist..


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