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Tuesday, 17 August 2010

{Elle Decoration September 2010}

Another week means another September issue for us to enjoy. This week it's the turn of Elle Decoration, who have put together a good issue, but not an excellent one. Normally their covers are outstanding; vibrant and full of interest - July and August are strong examples of this - but September's, for me, didn't spark the same excitement as the last handful of issues. However, I needn't have feared for long because Michelle Ogundehin's excellently written Editor's letter (2) perfectly demonstrates the ethos of this magazine. Yes, it's about aspirational living, but at it's core it's about spending only when needed and making the most of what you've got. It's worth buying for her wise words alone. So, cover choices redeemed, we get a peek of Elle Deco's charity mugs (3) in aid of Shelter and a feature on the continuation of brights (4) in the high street collections this season. That gorgeous bathroom (5) sits within a spread on decorating with nudes and the quirky front doors (6) are from an editorial on making your home's exterior fabulous. A quick interview (8) with fellow Brit, Sophie Conran, and we're into the home tours (10, 11): sneak peeks include a light and airy Melbourne home; a versatile NYC loft; inside/outside living in Cape Town and a Norway retreat. There's an inspiring image for the 'High Hopes' opener (12) on extending kitchens upwards and a charming kitchen accessories spread (13, 14) follows. Vera Neumann (15) rounds off the issue and her words, "A bland cocoon is a dull existence" couldn't resonate with me any harder. P.S. There's also a great 'Space Plus' supplement free with the issue; I've picked out the highlights of it below (16, 17). Right then, what's inspired you most from the issue?


  1. Will, I have not even opened the issue. But thank you for doing it for me! Those charity mugs sure caught my attention.

    Elle Decor is so going to hire you. I have said it before. You and Sue (Zhush) will soon be scooped up! And you read it here first!

    Thank you for your comments (for our mutual friends) when I was trotting the streets of Stockholm.

    A warm hug to you! Mon

  2. Will, you're right, September issue is different than the previous ones - it's less colorful, more Scandinavian and just so appropriate for fall! Another amazing review and thanks for the great sneak peeks! xo

  3. I can see why the cover didnt do it for you, not enough colour!! Thanks for the sneak peek :)

  4. Thanks for the peek, it helps cos buying the UK Elle decor on this side of the world costs a bomb! Cover doesn't look great but the home tours look good!

  5. Of course they went for the Scandinavian style - it's chic!! Lol :)

    Am wanting to see more of the maximalistic and "new" version of it though!


    ps - I'm hosting a giveaway with Eva Solo, and we're giving away the most beautiful dish shaped like a maple leaf :)

  6. Love your review Will! The soft muted tones are the perfect way to welcome autumn. Also, the kitchen with the ladder is AMAZING!

  7. great review, will. I may even have to scoop up that image of the lovely bath; it's divine.

    caught you on FTRB today and enjoyed your take on the fish trends!

  8. Love the 1st pool, the kitchen and all really. Why buy the magazine when we have Will to pick out the best?

  9. Thanks for the excellent review Will! I love the muted feel of this issue. Not a fan of the cover though - it just seems to fall flat when compared to some of the other gorgeous pics inside. :)

  10. Much love to you Will - you are saving me trips to bookstore by sharing these here! Thank you, another great review! xo

  11. Wow. That kitchen with the skylight is absolutely amazing. Love it! I also love the smaller kitchen further down with the yellow accents. I'd gladly take either...

  12. My fav is the cover!!!!!


  13. wow! what an extensive review of this issue - thank you for all of the detail and effort that went into sharing with all of us! i just got my copy of Elle Decor and haven't cracked it open yet...however I did take notice that the cover looks similar to so many of their previous covers...and it didn't get me all excited. we'll have to wait and see!

  14. Your review is so fab, I don't even need to read the mag. All the good stuff is right here!

    My laziness thanks you ;)

  15. what on earth would i do without the juicy posts..thanks for sharing my love!!!!! xoxoxox

  16. Another great review Will. My favourite picture is the one of the little mews cottage - ever since I was in London a few years ago, I have been wanting to live in one. Does that sound crazy to someone from the UK?? Ha ha

  17. Awesome review as usual:-). I loved the sneak peeks and the decor that they feature is definitely fall inspired. You're always thoroug xoh in your reviews:-)

  18. I don't think that Vera could have been any cuter if she tried. Plus, it looks like an astounding issue. Thanks for the sneak peek.

  19. 1. Vera is adorable. Adorable.

    2. I love the concept of making the most of what you have. It's so easy, especially in blog land, to get caught up in what we want, the next "it" thing, and all the splendor that is currently getting turned over each season. I am trying hard to invest in pieces that are smart choices- and that I will love for years. I hate tossing out so much stuff after I tire of it. It's such a yucky feeling...

    3. That was a lot of commentary. :) I'll stop now. Ha! :)

  20. Liked the round-up. That kitchen with the very high ceilings and ladder was so striking. Of course any feature of Vera Neuman is a good one.

    xx - Christina

  21. I always love reading your reviews!!
    Can't wait to get to the book store for this one...

  22. Glad you enjoyed the issue, too. Please pick up a copy if you see it - there's even more great features inside and I'm all for supporting the shelter titles; we don't want to see anymore closing al la Domino!

  23. Elle Decoration, you've done it again! Thank you for posting this, it is great to see what our leading fashion world can come up with for the interior of a home. I came across your post this afternoon while browsing interior design blogs and the topic of window treatment selection was very interesting to me. It is true that you must dress your windows appropriately to bring out their true beauty. Thank you for writing and as a special thanks to you and your readers, I would like to offer a 20% off coupon using this code upon checkout: BLG20.

  24. I love space plus. Little nooks and crannies!

    xo - jami
    i m a g i n e

  25. Thank you so much Will! I love my copy!

  26. I can't wait to get my hands on this. I want to see more about those small spaces so bad!

  27. LOVE those brightly-colored housewares. So fun!


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