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Thursday, 8 July 2010

{A Fun First Home}

Can you believe that this bright, airy, friendly and colourful home is one of those identi-kit houses that are popping up left, right and centre? The UK is full of bland, expansive housing estates with seemingly never ending rabbit warren-like roads of identical homes, and the reality is for many first time buyers that these are affordable option. So, to see this space from a brand new 'cookie cutter' house in California has really inspired me. Why? Well, at risk of breaching the copyright of a phrase that could well be under copyright by Simon Cowell, Ellie and Ed have really made this place their own (!). Ellie is a talented wedding photographer and bought this place a year ago with her man, Ed. It's inspired me to think about the possibilities that a new build can offer for decorating. I love that two thirds wooden panelled wall (1) as well as the yellow chairs (obvs), plus they've devoted a whole four walls to my favourite stripes (2) and all the while their colour choices are bold, brave and dramatic (3,4). A welcoming mix of industrial touches, rustic textures, flea market finds and confident punches of colour. Yum. You can see the whole tour of their home, here.


  1. love the walls in the first photo! funny - and we think houses in the uk are cool.

  2. Hey Jan! Arn't those wall's just fab? There are plenty of cool homes in the UK, especially from the Victorian and Edwardian periods, but my oh my are the new builds bland!

  3. This home is fabulous! Like the chairs and then the stripes, but how could I possibly not love tat bold green? It's wonderful, they did an amazing job!

  4. LOVE this place! That wood panel wall is gorgeous!

  5. Love this Will! You always profile such great homes.

  6. Amazing space. My favorite part are the boards on the wall in the dining area. Great touch.

  7. such style. I like that bedroom wall color and that wood panelled wall is awesome...

  8. I really love the second photo.

  9. am always amazed of people who have this innate sense of style . . . I revel in their ability to inspire . . . I think you have this same gift Will . . .

  10. Love the grey and white striped walls and this last bed spread! Just love it so so cute!

  11. Love the bright splashes of colour--so lively and vibrant!

  12. Gorgeous home! This is their first home? Amazing. I love the half wall of rustic wood and the golf green wall of frames!

  13. Wow, there is nothing bland about this space! I would like to move right in!!

  14. The striped walls are bonkers in the best possible way. They remind me of my striped West Elm chair. :) Love it!

  15. This house is great - the horizontal stripes on the walls in the second image look like the hallway of the three men and a lady blog -

    The final image of the bedroom with the four poster bed really shows up the differences between an American identikit house and a British one - that room is enormous!

  16. Thanks guys! I adore that wooden panelled wall, too.

    Rashmi C - Thanks for the link - I just checked it out - awesome. Love how brave they have been and the yellow showing from the next room is great!

  17. i really love the grey stripe wall! thanks for always posting such nice comments! the pool in the above post looks amazing!!!!!!


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