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Monday, 26 July 2010

{10 Things I Learned This Weekend...}

1. I can be sensible on a walk through the park for about five minutes...
2. ...before I start fooling around...
3. ...and jumping!
4. With great difficulty I managed to get past the molten chocolate stage of baking brownies without eating it all there and then.
5. It took a couple of blackouts before getting the new bedroom light fitted successfully.

6. Most.Inviting.Bed.Ever.Seen
7. Looking for secondhand bargains in France? Look here.
8. Yes, fall I am ready for you. Especially if you come in nice J Crew shaped parcels.
9. Favourite image from a lovely new blog discovery.
10. Grey jumper and grey tie? Preptastic and I love it!


  1. Happy Monday, Will! Your weekend in pictures looks great, just as always! Did you bake brownies? YUM! p.s. #10 is amazing! I might ask the husband to dress like this :)

  2. How great is Hither & Thither (a newbie for me too). I knew great minds think alike!
    Have a super week, Will. And may the gods and goddesses of good fortune tickle you under the armpits!

  3. oh you are killing me with your brownies. yummmmm. I do exactly the same thing.

  4. Happy monday! I would go crazy at that flea market, and over those brownies! Send me the recipe!

  5. Everything you learned this weekend is fun and cheerful! Love that.

  6. loving #1-3. you are so fun, YOU look like a jcrew ad!
    and #8...he is hot can i please have him??? ;)

  7. Those French chairs *need* to come home with me...
    and that beautiful bed is all too tempting this monday morning...

  8. I love this feature so much Will!!!
    Thanks for your comment on Marty :)
    To answer your question, The octopus pillow is from Z Gallerie, the brown striped, John Robshaw and the one on the far left is a John Robshaw dhurrie rug from Anthro and the other two I believe are from Home Goods. I do love pillows. How bout you?
    Big Hugs to you,

  9. My fave blog of the week . . . always try to seek it out and read it . . . Lovely images, looks like a great walk and I think jumper & tie wud look fab on you! here's to a great week.

  10. To be a fly on a tree in that park!! So fun!

  11. Wish i could hunt for secondhand bargains in France!

  12. wonderful! i am ready for fall too. more specifically for my frye boots.

  13. Love the Hither & Thither recommendation! Spent the last 25 mins on that site!! :-)

  14. i just got nervous & excited all at the same time when i saw the link for the second hand french pieces... it was kind of like that feeling before you kiss someone for the first time. ha! :) thanks for the link!!!

  15. great top 10. I agree...!

  16. i adore your style of writing. so fresh + clever!

    great list!

    xo Alison

  17. As brilliant as ever! I'm definitely a lick-the-bowl type of cook, salmonella be damned :) I'm excited to check out your latest blog discovery — aren't those the best?

  18. Heres fo Fall fashion... can't come soon enough!

  19. I love this feature on your blog. Oh, and chocolate! Yums.

  20. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Thanks for your tip to use 3M on my walls, such a great idea, I will definitely do that.

    PS. second hand furniture in France?? I would die.
    Nancy xo

  21. J Crew was my BEST discover last month!!

  22. Love this 10Things! Maybe you should model or something on your spare time. Loving that bedding! And I lurrrve JGL!

  23. Thanks guys!

    Ashlina - you're too kind! Isn't he dishy!

    Terri - Thanks for the pillow round up; I'm a total sucker for them and have too many for my apartment! Tee hee.

    Mackenzie - new blog discoveries are totally the best

    Chantale - You wouldn't be saying that if you saw what I looked like at 6am!! I'm with you on the bedding, I just wanna dive in under those sheets!

  24. I love to read the 10 things I learned this weekend. Mybe I should pay attention and I might have learn something over the weekend and don't even realize it.

  25. Thanks so much for the shout out, Will! The feeling is mutual! P.S. Did you see Joseph Gordon-Levitt's opening on SNL? Love him.

  26. Anytime, Ashley, so pleased to have found your's and Aron's blog. I wish I'd been able to see it, but I'm UK-based so I don't get to see it!

  27. Ok. I loved this. I am yours. Please add an email subscription button to this blog. I don't want to miss anything.

    xx C

  28. LOVE it! you're awesome! You were great over at Helena's!

    xo - jami
    i m a g i n e


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