Wednesday, 16 June 2010

{Psssst! My Blogger Wishlist}

Just a very quick one to say that the lovely Lana from Lanalou Style has featured myself and Ally, author of From The Right Bank (love) in her latest Blogger Wishlist post. If you feel like having a peek, then please do head over to the post and check out the rest of Lana's interesting South African flavoured blog.

Thanks for asking me to take part, Lana!


  1. Hi, cutie! I was so happy to see we had been paired up today at Lana's! Loved your list (naturally) especially that painting. Greece is one of my favorite places on the planet. How lucky were you spend childhood summers there? :) xoxo, Ally

  2. Love it!! I've seen that J.Crew bag somewhere before...let me think... :)

  3. It's a pleasure, so glad you took part!


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