Tuesday, 20 April 2010

{Office Inspiration: Red and White}

It's not easy to make work spaces look relaxed and effortless in their approach to style, but this office achieves it with great effect. The vintage anglepoise, accent red chair and exposed wood desk, mixed in with eclectic finds, makes a space fit for some serious creative working.

Now, why not get the look?

A Chair, Tolix.

Type 1227 Anglepoise Lamp, Heals.

Vintage Desk, Three Potato Four


  1. What a perfect little ensemble..love it!

  2. That vintage desk is lovely, would have loved that!

  3. Thanks Anna!

    tinajo - I'm starting to love wooden furniture all over again, especially when it's older, worn and full of character.

  4. I adore the red chair. I need 8 for my dining room. :-)


  5. love this! i'm going to be giving my desk/office area at home a makeover soon and will use this for inspiration. thanks for sharing!

  6. The wood desk really is a nice touch! I love the stuff in Three Potatoe Four. Unfortunately, international shipping rates is too crazy...


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