Wednesday, 3 March 2010

{More yellow lust}

We started the day with yellow, so why not end it the same way? I found this shower curtain on CB2 today and couldn't resist posting to tell you guys how much I love it. Graphic and yellow, it's a total win, win for me! See you tomorrow for the first Bright.Bazaar giveaway...

Image: CB2


  1. Love it. Especially like the fact that someone is taking a shower behind that curtain.

  2. I'm already planning on buying this for my house next year! I'm on a yellow kick as yellow. I'm currently cuddled up in a yellow blanket and I bought yellow paint tonight at Home Depot to paint a mirror with. Keep the yellow coming!!

  3. Haha! I thought that, too, Andrea. I'm thinking it's guy's feet, but who knows?!

    I'm glad you're loving yellow as well, Libby! Let me know how painting your mirror yellow goes!

  4. I need to add more yellow into my decor... such an inviting & sweet color!


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