Monday, 15 March 2010

{IKEA make metro advertising fun}

Ingenious! For their latest campaign IKEA have removed the gum-ridden plastic seats that normally 'decorate' the stations within the Parisian metro network and replaced them with mini living rooms. This is so much fun, don't you think?


  1. I so want to see this -- and they're un-installing it the day we get there next week! Well maybe it'll actually still be on display; "on verrà"!
    Again, I must say I really love your blog. Kudos!

  2. That is too cool! And so very tempting.. lol. Are they glued down?

  3. I think people would surely steal them in Spain!! It's great idea, indeed!!

  4. Hey Michael, have a fantastic time in Paris, so envious of your upcoming trip there! If you do get to see the IKEA ads, make sure you take pictures, I'd love to see! Thank you for your kind words about my blog, too.

    Chantale, noemozica - I'm not sure, but I'd like to see someone try to get one of those sofas onto a metro train in rush hour...!

  5. Very cool - Homebase did something similar to Carlisle station (worth googling) a couple of months ago. It seems to be becoming a trend!

  6. smart advertising!
    kinda dig this a lot..


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