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Monday, 22 February 2010

{High-gloss walls}

There's plenty of high gloss pieces in my home (ok, so high gloss is a little 2006, but I like them and that's what matters!). I have two of these Spindle lamps, one table and one floor sized for my living room, along with some glossy melamine bits and bobs in the kitchen. However, I hadn't considered high-gloss walls until I saw these images from House Beautiful on Style Sleuth's blog.

I like how the different textures and shapes of the room are gently reflected in the gloss of the wall.

The richness of the colours here are gorgeous and the pop of orange in the sofa adds interest and warmth to the scheme. The peep of wallpaper in the next room looks lovely, too!

Images: House Beautiful (Thomas Loof)

In this dining area you can tell that the gloss wall is the main feature because the furniture has been kept simple and lets the walls do the talking!


  1. I love the whole concept! Very unique, all the details seem to pop when reflected on the walls.

  2. It's a great concept, although I don't think I would be brave enough to go all out like in this home, but I would consider doing it in moderation for sure! I'm with you on the reflections; it's great for showing off the textures and colours of the space.

  3. Ooh shiny walls, very pretty! I just discovered your blog and love it!

    Caroline of Red Glasses

  4. The gloss is gorgeous, but the walls have to be in great shape or it can look awful, in my opinion. An option...I was at a friend's home in L.A. and his walls were matte with glossy ceilings which was so glamorous, reflecting all the light above.
    Love the blog, really fresh.

  5. Hi Juliet!

    Thanks for stopping by and for suggesting having glossy ceilings, what a great idea. I've considered wallpapering the ceiling before - think it's unusual to make a feature of the ceiling and can be a real statement.

  6. Hey Will,

    This article got some coverage tonight on #idzinechat! Go and check the tweets, missed you there!

  7. Hi Michelle!

    Thanks for the heads up - I'll head over and check out the tweets now!


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